Thursday, February 7, 2013


This week I had an epiphany about the topic of leadership.  Granted, what may be an epiphany for me may not be one for others.  I've always shied away from becoming a leader of others.  I would literally beat myself up because I felt less than, I questioned my reasons why, was it fear?  Perhaps. 

But I got my answer when I was writing an email.  My phrase went something like this.  I don't want to be a leader of many, just a leader of self.  WOW!  The flood gates really opened up on this one!

I am my own worst student!  What a challenge to wake up everyday with the intention to be honest - have integrity and compassion for others (myself included).  This is not an easy task...especially when you're dealing with a bunch of knuckleheads! (yes, me included). 

At the end of the to is a lead by example situation.  Well shucks!  That is a darn good goal...don't you think?

When you spend a lot of years seeking answers to questions about your life....can the answer come to you just because of a trivial thing such as sending an email?  You betcha!  Why now?....that's my next question.  Where do I go from here?

Concentrating on working on me and my own issues...well that may seem like an easier task....NOT!  These age old idioms - remember this one?...."I am my own worst enemy"....... that's me!

Butt..... (it's my ass speaking again).....No ifs, ands or butts!

My alarm just went off....time to start the day....a new more thing to be more cognizant of....I am on the path!