Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Discovering the Magnificence of You

Imagine going to a "get together" to discover the magnificence of me.....

There were 12 of us present and 2 via Skype.  I knew 3 people.  The host DeAnn, my friend John and my fun buddy Maureen, the Reiki Master and Intuit.

Several things became very clear to me as the evening progressed.  Several people shared their personal stories and for the most part, I realized that I had been in their shoes at one time, for a very long time.  But I felt that it was no longer my story.  I have matured a lot of these paradigms over the years through knowledge gathering, self-reflection, journaling and messages I've received from the universe.

As I was listening, I truly felt as though there were many doors that I have closed on a lot of my past stories and felt as though I am now on a higher plane of consciousness.  Never in my lifetime have I ever experienced this. 

Without realizing, I found myself sensing another person's being-ness.  It came up during the intuit portion of the night.  When this person walked through the front door before the session began, I felt as though he had a beautiful soul.  It was like an immediate flash and it was gone.  But as he shared his story, I was amazed because he exuded lovingness to everyone.....but not to himself.

WOW....Huge lesson.....and realization of how far I've progressed and how much closer I am to my current destination.  I say current destination because there are many more roads I want to traverse.

I can feel myself being joyful about trying out my new "toy" in life.  This toy that I refer to is the power to use my intuition and expanding and trusting and maneuvering through this life.  I'm excited about the possibilities before me and the knowing that there are fun things ahead.

I'm so excited!....I'm so excited!.....I'm so excited!

Magnificence is within me......and always has been! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil Show is FABULOUS!!!

The performance was sold out and at the end there was a standing ovation!!!  It is definitely worth the sticker price!  A bit of a shock.....but nevertheless well worth it.

We were rocking and rolling in our seats.  The Cirque du Soleil definitely added their well known creativity to the already creative genius of Michael Jackson.

Without spoiling the show for you....if you come to Las Vegas, it is a show that you just can't miss!

We were a group of 13 people and everyone enjoyed it so much.  One woman in our party came with her oxygen tank and she enjoyed it too.

We looked to the side of us and Kimo and Rocky were moving to the beat in their seats!  We all had so much fun.

After the show we met up at the Orleans and several of us ordered the saimin or wor wonton dish and we were quite surprised.  It had jumbo shrimps, mustard cabbage, fish cake and mine had a huge piece of grilled chicken.  Everyone was surprised.  Kimo and his brothers ordered the wor wonton min and they ate it all up!

The guys shared their childhood stories and we laughed so just had to be there.  After we were done we said our goodbyes several times with kissing and hugging.  What a great bunch and they are really full of the Aloha Spirit for everyone. 

It's no wonder that I just love when they blow into town.  I am so blessed!

The following song was not a part of the show....but it is one of my favorites.  I hope that the video message touches you as it does me....Heal the World.

The Cousins are Back in Town

Do you remember the song "The Boys are Back in Town" by Thin Lizzy? cousins are back in Las Vegas.  This time it is a sort of re-union with their sisters and brothers.  Even their friends follow them because we all have such a great time!  Now my memory is so bad, I never remember their friend's names.  I do however, recognize their faces and they recognize me in the same way too.  They are so much fun to be around!

They blew into town last Wednesday and will be leaving this coming Wednesday.  I caught up with them on Thursday evening.  We all sat in their hotel room reminiscing about old times.  I am the oldest and then comes Rocky, Sandra (she never comes....hates to travel), Stacey, Stan and Paul.  Rocky's husband, Kimo, is like the patriarch of the family and what a guy.  He is loving, giving, caring and super funny!  Stacey's son Kea is here too.  Mana, Rocky's son, is a local here just like me.

Well on Friday night after I got off work, all of us met at the M Hotel for their fabulous seafood buffet and free booze dinner.  We were a party of 20 people....what an experience.  Since I arrived early, I alerted the cashier that we were a huge party.  Paul came next and he had the job to corral everyone off of the slot machines and table games.  Thank god for cell phones!  Everyone started trickling in.  Kimo took charge and made an executive decision for Paul to put the dinner on his credit card.  Paul looked astonished, but bless his heart he "stepped up to the plate."  Kimo then handed him all the cash and tip he collected from everyone.

Local style, we always hug and kiss each other.  Now granted, the group was so huge because their friends from Hawaii joined us.  The buffet staff members that are originally from Hawaii, greet us with an immediate feeling of camaraderie.  That is the beauty of the "Aloha Spirit." 

We went through the buffet that seemed never ending.  Two plates later I still hadn't gone through all the stations of food selections.  This buffet was so huge, I had a hard time finding my way back to the table!  We laughed, we ate, we drank, and ate, and drank......

The next morning, Rocky, Stacey, Kimo, Stan and I went for an hour massage.  Rocky and Stacey wimped out and chose women masseuses....not me!  Having a man massage my feet and body for an entire hour?  Such bliss.....Silly me!!!

Kimo and Stan felt so good that they are adding getting a massage to their list of things to do the next time they are in town!  Oh wait.....they are coming back next month!!!  The guys golf at least 2 times in the week they are here...but this time it is more like 3.  They take the girls shopping and to the movies too.  The girls don't gamble so we hang out and talk for hours on end!

So this is what we did yesterday.  After the massage we take Mana and Kea to Chinatown to pick up poke' (Hawaiian style marinated raw fish) and beer with ice and coolers.  We drop them off at the UNLV stadium for their tailgate party prior to the UNLV/Hawaii game.  Rocky, Kimo, Stan, and Mana's three year old son, and I head out to In 'N Out for burgers and fries.  Kimo orders a #1 animal animal....WTF?  There's no such thing on the menu!  I find out that it is the following items added to the burger and over the fries....melted cheese, sautéed onions and their special sauce.  Kimo also got us some chili peppers!  After eating, we head back to the hotel.  Stacey and I chat in her room.  We cried talking together...about her life after the death of her husband.

Next thing...I find myself headed to the Catholic church near the Golden Nugget downtown.  OMG....I haven't been to church for 35 years!  WTF....WTF?  Would you believe the church was packed?  Rocky, Stacey and I are rummaging through our purses for money for the collection basket.  We are laughing because Stacey and I are looking for small bills rather than putting in the $20 bills!  Rocky was so smug to point it out to us....we chuckled!  Now the girls had been laughing at me because I always valet my car and give a dollar tip.  Rocky said that I should give a minimum of $3....her reasoning?  $1 (too cheap), $2 (bad luck)....ah $3 (just right).....WTF....WTF....WTF?  Wait here comes the funny part...We were about 5 minutes late and Rocky and Stacey hurried into church while this "unbeliever who strayed from the church years ago" frantically finds a parking garage.  $6 to park for an hour!  Bleep Bleep Bleep!!!  After the service was over we go back to pay at the machine so that we can get the ticket validated and get out of the garage.  Both machines are not working.  I have these visions of us not being able to get the car out and us being stranded in the seedier side of town.  Long story short....we get the danged ticket validated and it turns out to be only $2.....Hallelujah, Hallelujah.......Hallelujah....a miracle has happened!  Oh wait is it bad luck according to Rocky's reasoning?  Nah....I don't believe that hokey stuff.

We go back to their hotel room at the Orleans to meet up with the guys, then jump in the van to go back downtown for dinner at the California Hotel - Aloha Specialties restaurant.  It is full of locals watching the last 5 minutes of the football game.  We hurried to order our food.  I ordered the Beef Stew with extra gravy (aka "sloppy"), Rocky orders the hamburger steak...there's extra spam musubis and the huge meals that the guys ordered.  Kimo treats us to dinner.  More friends find us sitting and come back to say hello.  After dinner....Paul gives me the great news that he and his partner of 11 years, are going to be married!  WOW!  How wonderful!!! Paul is a full time pilot in the Air National Guard and is also a part-time musician in the world renowned group called the Sons of Hawaii.  He plays the steel guitar, an instrument that is slowly becoming extinct in Hawaiian music.  He has played and travelled around the world with such greats like Genoa Keawe.  She was known for her sweet falsetto voice during the singing of my favorite song of hers, Alika.  It is just amazing how long she can hold her breath on the word Alika in the second to the last verse.  Here she is.....

I've watched Paul perform this song and he does a magnificent job of it!

After that we head back to the Orleans and Mana's son while running down the hallway bangs his head just above his eye and it starts bleeding and he starts crying.  We rush him to the room and Kimo and Rocky doctor him up and bathe him. 

By then I am in need of another massage!  I am just wiped out and head home (about 3 blocks away).  Rocky always wants me to call when I get back home so that she won't worry about me....ahhh what a sweet person she is!

Tonight we are going to see the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil performance at the Mandalay Hotel.  I told them that I would "be in Korea" and catch up with them at 5:30pm......just have to get some R&R time in order to keep up with this bunch!

Friday, October 4, 2013


What do you remember about Halloween?  As a kid, this was one of my favorite holidays.  Going from house to house and getting candies.  Back then we roamed all over the neighborhood.  Our parents didn't have to escort us.  We would get bags and bags of candy and the best part was exchanging candies with friends in school.

Of course there was the costume and the had to have a mask.  Disney was the inspiration.  There were very few "walking dead" kids or murdered zombies with knives in the back or in the head and dripping blood.  Everything was so much more innocent.  We went to peoples homes and bobbed for apples. 

Adults joined in the fun by decorating their homes or dressing up to distribute candies.  Not any more. What has this world become that our children can't even go Trick or Treating?

Well...I wanted to go back to the past to check out some old friends.....


How about this next you remember?

Wow....these were classics!

Have a really ghoulish Halloween everyone!!