Friday, February 21, 2014

My World is Out Of Kilter!

It has been a myriad of little disasters since the passing of my friend.  The wonder of it all is the fact that I'm not totally bummed or saying woe is me....or why me?

The day after Shirley's passing. I'm at the dentist, doing a root canal.  Only Armel can't complete the procedure because now I have to take antibiotics for the tooth and ear infection.  A few days later.....

It started with water coming down from the ceiling of my bathroom early Sunday morning.  Picture this....I am sitting on the throne barely awake.  Drip drip.....I feel water on my head.  What started as a little trickle became a flood within 15 minutes.  I get a knock on the door from my downstairs neighbor because now he has water leaking into his unit.

Dave, the super of my complex, comes in with a bucket and tears into the ceiling...the water is coming from upstairs....ok by now I'm thinking UGH "toilet water" - NOT "raindrops keep falling on my head."

Every towel I have is now being put on the floor to stop the flooding.  I have to keep squeezing the towels so I get this bright idea to run the towels in the spin cycle of my washer.  Well after repeatedly spinning the towels out, the leak is stopped and Dave leaves

Now I proceed to go to wash all of the dirty laundry and lo and behold.  The dryer decides to quit on me.  The assistant manager states that rather than trucking everything off to the Laundromat, they have a dryer in the office I could use.  So I trek all the heavy towels in my laundry basket to the office and oops - their dryer isn't there.

Now I have to truck it on down to the Laundromat.  Happy Super Bowl!  So just 2 minutes before my batch will be going to the "cool" cycle.  Someone mistakenly puts more coins in my dryer!!  Bah humbug.

In a couple of days....I get a brand new dryer.  The first batch didn't dry so I restart the dryer cycle.  OK by now you probably figure where I'm going with this huh?  WRONG!!!  At the end of the second cycle, I open my dryer door and there is all this black guck all over the inside of the door.  I figure it's from the lint from my clothes but wait there's a lot of black hair too.  Total of six cycles to dry my one batch of clothes!  This is even worse than the old dryer!

Monday morning I report what happened to the office before going to work.  Long story short on this....  they send another super to vacuum out the vent outside my apartment.  Something they did about a month before my previous dryer died. 

Now I am coming down with a cold.  I'm coughing till my sides hurt! Now that I'm sick - I can't do the second half of my root canal, so I had to cancel and reschedule.

OK....flash forward a week later.  The washer is now broken, I can't test the dryer to see if the cleaning of the vent worked.  My friend Eric put a sock on the vent to stop all the guk from coming onto my clothes.  Unable to do laundry again this weekend.  I have to go to the dentist tomorrow for Armel to complete the procedure.  Everyone in my office is down with the cold.  My friend Raul who put up shelves for me last week is sick.  He blames me....Seems like everybody I came in contact with has the cold.  Well of my plumbing vendors accused me of giving him my cold through the telephone!  HELLO? 

My co-worker's boyfriend made the whole office some soup.  It was called a Wedding Soup!  It was delicious.  We all got the recipe.  We all have a different strain of the cold because the symptoms are so varied.  People are spraying the office with antiseptic and wiping their hands with it too.  Everyone has taken some time off  to try and recuperate.

OK.....bottom line this is really becoming weird! 

Miracle of Miracles friend Maureen is in town this week.  She is a Reiki Master and Intuit.  It will be fun sharing this with her....what is the Universe trying to say to me?   Isn't this amazing?

You would think that I'd be angry about all of this.....NOPE....I'm actually laughing inside.  What does this mean??

Too Funny!

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