Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Jane Eyre

Who can deny the great film Jane Eyre starring Orson Welles and Joan Fontaine....and a very young and beautiful Elizabeth Taylor as her friend Helen who dies of pneumonia in the movie.  My favorite part of the movie was when Orson Welles kept calling Jane....Jane.....Jane.  Well I couldn't find that particular clip...but here is the ending.

Then in comes Timothy Dalton's version of Edward Rochester....I loved this version too.  Dalton my opinion....a bit more sex appeal and is more mischevious in his portrayal of the part.

If memory serves me right...Dalton also acted as James Bond in The Living Daylights...I don't believe that I saw that particular sequel of the Bond movies....I'll certainly make a point to see it though.

In my opinion the romance in the Welles version was lacking, which might be attributed to the difference in the time when the movies were filmed.  The Welles version dated back to 1943...while the Dalton version was filmed in 1983.  Forty years can certainly make a huge difference in this Charlotte Bronte classic.

However no one can deny the star power of Joan Fontaine in her depiction of Jane.  She had the perfect demeanor for the part of Jane.  Margaret O'Brien's role as Adele showed her skill of acting once again.  Also not to be forgotten is the part Agnes Moorhead played as Jane's evil aunt.

The only "bone I have to pick" is the deformity of Dalton's face after the fire at Thornfield.  They turned handsome into hideous.  See for yourself.


But like I've always said...all's well that ends well....because watching these movies was quite enjoyable.

Just today I was reading about an actor called Austin Nichols.  He has such a strong interest in cinema that he keeps a log of every film he sees.  He is said to watch at least 20 movies a week.  Now that is what I call passion! 

Let's see....20 movies per week at about roughly 2-1/2 hours each comes to 50 hours a week.  I'm pretty sure that I have him beat.  Oddly enough I have to stop myself from keeping a log of all the movies that I watch....that much info I can do without. 

Now I can truly say that I have been criticized for the amount of time I spend watching movies....but for me that is fun and I'm am not so addicted that I neglect everything else that is important to me. 

I salute Austin Nichols for being a comrade to the lifestyle!  Oh...BTW he is an actor who appeared in the CW series One Tree Hill.   

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