Thursday, December 26, 2013

Audrey in Wonderland....more commonly known as "Alice in Wonderland"

Ever feel like you have fallen down a rabbit hole into a world of literary nonsense?  Well, it seems perfectly clear now, the meaning of being counter-intuitive.

Let me give you some examples, that I have that I'm getting older:

The aches and pains we now experience in our old age is not due to over-doing exercise.  In fact it is due to the lack of it.  Instead of thinking that a bit of rest would save the it is a call to do more exercise instead.

If we want more love.....we have to give more love.  Don't hoard it.

There used to be a saying when we were younger.  "Fake it till you make it!"  In other the success if you want to become a success. 

The more we give the more we receive.

So many countless others.

With the New Year fast approaching, the time for making resolutions is upon us.  What do we resolve to do in the new year?

For most.....there is more focus on what they want versus what they already have.  As the song goes...."Accentuate the positive....eliminate the negative."

We plan for the future, and remember the past while all the time we are missing the present.  The present (aka...the gift).

This is the year for me to stop and smell the roses. 

To appreciate everything that comes into my life....good, bad, ugly, beautiful.  It is all wonderful because there's the lesson to be learned from the bumpy roads of life.  Lessons that take us to a better place.....the caveat is that we can't limit ourselves to being stuck and wallowing in self pity.

"Be brave young lovers and follow your heart."  2014.....let's get it on!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Repost of My Favorite Christmas Carols

Do you have some favorite Christmas carols?  I know I's a great time of year.  There are classic ones, hilarious ones, cute ones.....

There are 3 all time favorites that I like......Ave Maria, O Holy Night and Mary Did You Know.....

I hope that I can find them on YouTube....

Andy Williams does a great rendition of Ave Maria by Schubert.  His vocal style is so sweet and soft....not strained....and very melodious.  I have heard several different versions of this song, but this is my favorite.  Ave Maria means Hail Mary in Latin.  Don't you just love the wonderful works of art of the Blessed Virgin Mary!
O Holy Night....when I hear this song I remember my elementary school days when we practiced singing Christmas carols for our parents.  This was one that we did and there was a student in my class that had a beautiful voice that sang the lead and we all provided back up.  I don't remember the name of my classmate, but it was the first time that I had heard this song..and it was sung so beautifully!
I know that there is another singer that has a better rendition, I want to say Harry Connick, Jr.....but I could be wrong and alas....YouTube had limited selections.  Josh Groban does a great job singing this song because his voice is just so wonderful....he could sing Baa Baa Black Sheep and make me swoon!

Here is what I believe should be a classic....Clay Aiken sings this song which became a huge hit for him.  The words are so captivating and simple, yet speaks volumes!  Mary Did You Know.....

Now here are some wacky hilarious ones that just stick in your mind....again....I hope that YouTube has captured them....

Yep....Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer is fun to sing...especially if you add the twang in this hillbilly ditty.

Oh...the Hawaiians are not to be outdone....YouTube don't fail me now. 

Frank DeLima is a local comedian.  If you get the chance to see him live....don't miss the opportunity.  He is too funny!  He makes fun out of all the nationalities.  What you just saw is his take on the Filipinos.  When Shirley and I saw him in Hawaii at the Noodle Shop many many years ago, he singled us out because he told us our eyes were so slanted we could see through closed venetian blinds.  We laughed so hard we almost "peed our pants!"   I especially loved his rendition of Tina Turner's Proud Mary.  I couldn't find that one....but I did find another one that you will like Adullah Fataai, a Samoan football player.

Oops....I'm digressing.....back to the work at hand!  Cute Christmas carols.....well there's Alvin and the Chipmunks singing Christmas Time is Here. 

I also liked the Hawaiian pidgin version of the Twelve Days of Christmas.  It is called Numbah One Day of was written by Ed Kenney, Eaton "Bob" Magoo, Jr., and Gordon Phelps.  Sadly, I couldn't find a good version of this on YouTube, but I can remember the words to the Hawaiian version and not the English version.

Well...I hope that you enjoyed my selections of Christmas carols.  To all of you out there....have a great holiday.  As we Hawaiians say.....Mele Kalikimaka and Hauoli Makahiki Hou....if I haven't screwed it means Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Oops....back up....rewind....there is yet another Christmas carol that I is a duet featuring Bing Crosby and David Bowie.......singing a combination of Little Drummer Boy and Peace on Earth.

Merry Christmas to all....and to all a good night!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Antique Shopping

During my recent trip to Santa Cruz, California over the Thanksgiving weekend, my grandson Chris and I went to a few antique shops.

Let me first say this and get it out of the way.....You really get a sense of how old you've gotten when you find a lot of things that you remember seeing in your home when you were growing up, that are now being labeled as "antiques."

Our first stop was at Edward and Sons Antiques on Soquel Drive.  We got quite a bit of a history lesson from the proprietor.  Now this shop is definitely NOT a "trash to treasure" establishment like so many others are.  I recognized 2 religious icons there, similar to what I've studied in Art History. 

In my Art History class, I was intrigued by the following icon:

This icon is called Christ Pantocrator.  It is an encaustic painting, or hot wax painting using beeswax with colored pigments then applied on wood.  This particular piece can be found in St. Catherine's Monastery in Mount Sinai.  It was one of the first images of Christ and is one of the most widely used images of Orthodox Christianity. 
You will note that the image represents Christ's two natures.  The left side represents Jesus, the man fully human, with his right hand raised in blessing.  The right side of this icon represents God.  He is holding a bible with the cross on it which usually signified the Gospels.  The Gospels told of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, ergo, the right side of the icon is God, the spiritual being.
Anyway, getting back to this antique shop, we also saw some early wedge wood pottery, some unusual pieces of jade and many other wonderful items. 
Our next stop was a more typical antique store filled with trash to treasure items.  Chris got to try out the dial phone, he saw some dishes that we used as dinner plates.....oh and the most prized item was a similar fur piece my mother insisted I wear to my junior prom in high school.  While other girls were wearing shawls, my mother had me in a white fur piece and also had my dress special made of pink satin and white lace.  Quite frankly I was embarrassed to be so "over dressed" and felt dowdy looking to boot.
Don't even get me started on the senior prom gown......


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Landfill Harmonic

The message is clear.....Recycle and most importantly......Don't Throw Away People.

When that boy said that in this made me stop to think.  What other treasures are we overlooking in this world?

Let's take the time to ponder on that and see how each of us can turn trash to treasure.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Awesome Video

My cousin Paul in Hawaii shared this awesome video.  As a musician, he always has some great music that he shares with his friends on Facebook.

Thanks, Paul!

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did!

There is a deeper meaning that I found in this video....other than the music and the performance.  Hope you find it too! daughter in Hawaii sent me the original cups song  - now I know what the words are in English.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Discovering the Magnificence of You

Imagine going to a "get together" to discover the magnificence of me.....

There were 12 of us present and 2 via Skype.  I knew 3 people.  The host DeAnn, my friend John and my fun buddy Maureen, the Reiki Master and Intuit.

Several things became very clear to me as the evening progressed.  Several people shared their personal stories and for the most part, I realized that I had been in their shoes at one time, for a very long time.  But I felt that it was no longer my story.  I have matured a lot of these paradigms over the years through knowledge gathering, self-reflection, journaling and messages I've received from the universe.

As I was listening, I truly felt as though there were many doors that I have closed on a lot of my past stories and felt as though I am now on a higher plane of consciousness.  Never in my lifetime have I ever experienced this. 

Without realizing, I found myself sensing another person's being-ness.  It came up during the intuit portion of the night.  When this person walked through the front door before the session began, I felt as though he had a beautiful soul.  It was like an immediate flash and it was gone.  But as he shared his story, I was amazed because he exuded lovingness to everyone.....but not to himself.

WOW....Huge lesson.....and realization of how far I've progressed and how much closer I am to my current destination.  I say current destination because there are many more roads I want to traverse.

I can feel myself being joyful about trying out my new "toy" in life.  This toy that I refer to is the power to use my intuition and expanding and trusting and maneuvering through this life.  I'm excited about the possibilities before me and the knowing that there are fun things ahead.

I'm so excited!....I'm so excited!.....I'm so excited!

Magnificence is within me......and always has been! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil Show is FABULOUS!!!

The performance was sold out and at the end there was a standing ovation!!!  It is definitely worth the sticker price!  A bit of a shock.....but nevertheless well worth it.

We were rocking and rolling in our seats.  The Cirque du Soleil definitely added their well known creativity to the already creative genius of Michael Jackson.

Without spoiling the show for you....if you come to Las Vegas, it is a show that you just can't miss!

We were a group of 13 people and everyone enjoyed it so much.  One woman in our party came with her oxygen tank and she enjoyed it too.

We looked to the side of us and Kimo and Rocky were moving to the beat in their seats!  We all had so much fun.

After the show we met up at the Orleans and several of us ordered the saimin or wor wonton dish and we were quite surprised.  It had jumbo shrimps, mustard cabbage, fish cake and mine had a huge piece of grilled chicken.  Everyone was surprised.  Kimo and his brothers ordered the wor wonton min and they ate it all up!

The guys shared their childhood stories and we laughed so just had to be there.  After we were done we said our goodbyes several times with kissing and hugging.  What a great bunch and they are really full of the Aloha Spirit for everyone. 

It's no wonder that I just love when they blow into town.  I am so blessed!

The following song was not a part of the show....but it is one of my favorites.  I hope that the video message touches you as it does me....Heal the World.

The Cousins are Back in Town

Do you remember the song "The Boys are Back in Town" by Thin Lizzy? cousins are back in Las Vegas.  This time it is a sort of re-union with their sisters and brothers.  Even their friends follow them because we all have such a great time!  Now my memory is so bad, I never remember their friend's names.  I do however, recognize their faces and they recognize me in the same way too.  They are so much fun to be around!

They blew into town last Wednesday and will be leaving this coming Wednesday.  I caught up with them on Thursday evening.  We all sat in their hotel room reminiscing about old times.  I am the oldest and then comes Rocky, Sandra (she never comes....hates to travel), Stacey, Stan and Paul.  Rocky's husband, Kimo, is like the patriarch of the family and what a guy.  He is loving, giving, caring and super funny!  Stacey's son Kea is here too.  Mana, Rocky's son, is a local here just like me.

Well on Friday night after I got off work, all of us met at the M Hotel for their fabulous seafood buffet and free booze dinner.  We were a party of 20 people....what an experience.  Since I arrived early, I alerted the cashier that we were a huge party.  Paul came next and he had the job to corral everyone off of the slot machines and table games.  Thank god for cell phones!  Everyone started trickling in.  Kimo took charge and made an executive decision for Paul to put the dinner on his credit card.  Paul looked astonished, but bless his heart he "stepped up to the plate."  Kimo then handed him all the cash and tip he collected from everyone.

Local style, we always hug and kiss each other.  Now granted, the group was so huge because their friends from Hawaii joined us.  The buffet staff members that are originally from Hawaii, greet us with an immediate feeling of camaraderie.  That is the beauty of the "Aloha Spirit." 

We went through the buffet that seemed never ending.  Two plates later I still hadn't gone through all the stations of food selections.  This buffet was so huge, I had a hard time finding my way back to the table!  We laughed, we ate, we drank, and ate, and drank......

The next morning, Rocky, Stacey, Kimo, Stan and I went for an hour massage.  Rocky and Stacey wimped out and chose women masseuses....not me!  Having a man massage my feet and body for an entire hour?  Such bliss.....Silly me!!!

Kimo and Stan felt so good that they are adding getting a massage to their list of things to do the next time they are in town!  Oh wait.....they are coming back next month!!!  The guys golf at least 2 times in the week they are here...but this time it is more like 3.  They take the girls shopping and to the movies too.  The girls don't gamble so we hang out and talk for hours on end!

So this is what we did yesterday.  After the massage we take Mana and Kea to Chinatown to pick up poke' (Hawaiian style marinated raw fish) and beer with ice and coolers.  We drop them off at the UNLV stadium for their tailgate party prior to the UNLV/Hawaii game.  Rocky, Kimo, Stan, and Mana's three year old son, and I head out to In 'N Out for burgers and fries.  Kimo orders a #1 animal animal....WTF?  There's no such thing on the menu!  I find out that it is the following items added to the burger and over the fries....melted cheese, sautéed onions and their special sauce.  Kimo also got us some chili peppers!  After eating, we head back to the hotel.  Stacey and I chat in her room.  We cried talking together...about her life after the death of her husband.

Next thing...I find myself headed to the Catholic church near the Golden Nugget downtown.  OMG....I haven't been to church for 35 years!  WTF....WTF?  Would you believe the church was packed?  Rocky, Stacey and I are rummaging through our purses for money for the collection basket.  We are laughing because Stacey and I are looking for small bills rather than putting in the $20 bills!  Rocky was so smug to point it out to us....we chuckled!  Now the girls had been laughing at me because I always valet my car and give a dollar tip.  Rocky said that I should give a minimum of $3....her reasoning?  $1 (too cheap), $2 (bad luck)....ah $3 (just right).....WTF....WTF....WTF?  Wait here comes the funny part...We were about 5 minutes late and Rocky and Stacey hurried into church while this "unbeliever who strayed from the church years ago" frantically finds a parking garage.  $6 to park for an hour!  Bleep Bleep Bleep!!!  After the service was over we go back to pay at the machine so that we can get the ticket validated and get out of the garage.  Both machines are not working.  I have these visions of us not being able to get the car out and us being stranded in the seedier side of town.  Long story short....we get the danged ticket validated and it turns out to be only $2.....Hallelujah, Hallelujah.......Hallelujah....a miracle has happened!  Oh wait is it bad luck according to Rocky's reasoning?  Nah....I don't believe that hokey stuff.

We go back to their hotel room at the Orleans to meet up with the guys, then jump in the van to go back downtown for dinner at the California Hotel - Aloha Specialties restaurant.  It is full of locals watching the last 5 minutes of the football game.  We hurried to order our food.  I ordered the Beef Stew with extra gravy (aka "sloppy"), Rocky orders the hamburger steak...there's extra spam musubis and the huge meals that the guys ordered.  Kimo treats us to dinner.  More friends find us sitting and come back to say hello.  After dinner....Paul gives me the great news that he and his partner of 11 years, are going to be married!  WOW!  How wonderful!!! Paul is a full time pilot in the Air National Guard and is also a part-time musician in the world renowned group called the Sons of Hawaii.  He plays the steel guitar, an instrument that is slowly becoming extinct in Hawaiian music.  He has played and travelled around the world with such greats like Genoa Keawe.  She was known for her sweet falsetto voice during the singing of my favorite song of hers, Alika.  It is just amazing how long she can hold her breath on the word Alika in the second to the last verse.  Here she is.....

I've watched Paul perform this song and he does a magnificent job of it!

After that we head back to the Orleans and Mana's son while running down the hallway bangs his head just above his eye and it starts bleeding and he starts crying.  We rush him to the room and Kimo and Rocky doctor him up and bathe him. 

By then I am in need of another massage!  I am just wiped out and head home (about 3 blocks away).  Rocky always wants me to call when I get back home so that she won't worry about me....ahhh what a sweet person she is!

Tonight we are going to see the Michael Jackson Cirque du Soleil performance at the Mandalay Hotel.  I told them that I would "be in Korea" and catch up with them at 5:30pm......just have to get some R&R time in order to keep up with this bunch!

Friday, October 4, 2013


What do you remember about Halloween?  As a kid, this was one of my favorite holidays.  Going from house to house and getting candies.  Back then we roamed all over the neighborhood.  Our parents didn't have to escort us.  We would get bags and bags of candy and the best part was exchanging candies with friends in school.

Of course there was the costume and the had to have a mask.  Disney was the inspiration.  There were very few "walking dead" kids or murdered zombies with knives in the back or in the head and dripping blood.  Everything was so much more innocent.  We went to peoples homes and bobbed for apples. 

Adults joined in the fun by decorating their homes or dressing up to distribute candies.  Not any more. What has this world become that our children can't even go Trick or Treating?

Well...I wanted to go back to the past to check out some old friends.....


How about this next you remember?

Wow....these were classics!

Have a really ghoulish Halloween everyone!!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Greatest Love of All

With school back in session and our kids are meeting new friends and teachers....I wish to dedicate the following video to reminds us all about the greatest gift of all.....
Our children....may they go into the world believing in and loving themselves!!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Long Weekend Ahead

A three day weekend ahead....

Although I hemmed and hawed about driving for about a total of 16 hours, it will be great to see my grandson Chris.

He and his dad will be celebrating their birthdays next month, so I decided to take them out for sushi.  Now mind you, there are some crazy names for these sushi places in Santa Cruz....but one cannot deny the good tasting food.

There is Pink Godzilla....they have a sushi bar and what I believe is called tatami rooms.  These are shoji door enclosed rooms where you sit on the tatami mat and under the table there is a hole in the floor - a place to dangle your legs.  If memory serves me right, the exterior of the restaurant is painted pink...DAH!

My personal favorite is Rumble Fish in Scotts Valley.  They also have a sushi bar and bento box meals, along with Udon or Ramen (for lack of a better name that has escaped my mind) noodles.  I love the Tempura - both Shrimp and vegetables.  Their Tempura is perfect...not too doughy.

Having said that, my son-in-law prefers a more authentic Japanese style restaurant.  It is very small and always crowded.  Again, my memory is "out to lunch," because for the life of me I can't seem to remember the name of this restaurant.

Speaking about Tempura (notice the sly segue), here in Las Vegas, I love Makinos.  They make a parsley Tempura that is quite good.

Anyway....back to the 3 day weekend.  I've spent the last 2 days in preparation.  First, I had to track down a cord for my IPOD that has a special auxiliary spot in my new car.  I went to Best Buy - they didn't know what I was talking about.  I showed them the picture.  They sent me to Fry's - the salesperson recommended that I use the adapter to work the IPOD through the radio station. 

Now if you have ever gone on a long know that you have to constantly change the radio station to avoid the static noises or style of music, and to pick up the current city's signal....this solution defeats the purpose.

I went to the Apple Store and they had no clue what I was talking about! guys designed this "puppy"! I'm getting about the Toyota parts department?  They must have it!

WRONG!  They actually sent me to a Scion dealership across town.  They contacted that dealer and reserved it for me and they agreed to honor the price to match the cost from Toyota.  When I get there,  I learned that they were hoping that I wouldn't show up because now they have to find this cord in the section of warehouse that has parts that are being returned to the factory. 

A hundred and five dollars later....I have purchased a cord for my IPOD!  YIKES!!!  Now this baby is unique because it has covers for those parts of this cord that goes into the IPOD and the auxiliary covered receptacle.  AWESOME....on my radio screen the names of the artists appear.  Now mind you, I should keep up with the latest in technology...because it is so much easier than trying to change selections from the IPOD while driving.  I am in heaven!

Now all that is left is to pack.  I've got a list a mile long of things I need to take.  You really don't realize how many items you need just to get yourself ready.  Now I can see if I was going to be gone for a month....but let's be realistic!  I am going to arrive around lunch time on Saturday and I have to cram time in with visiting then it's back on the road on Monday by lunch time in order to get back home so that I can get to bed and be "bright eyed and bushy tailed" for work on Tuesday.

Am I crazy?  Yes, OMG....yes for and from the grandkids.....that is sheer heaven!

Have a great weekend safe and may you be surrounded by the love of family!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

"Life is a Verb"

I've just begun reading a book called "Life is a Verb" by Patti Digh.  There is a saying that goes "never judge a book by its cover."  We understand this to mean....don't judge a person by looks alone.  This is sort of a positive connotation to a negative viewpoint. 

In this particular instance I have to beg to differ about that saying.  Usually when I choose a book I first become attracted to the cover.  Of course you can always find me in the self help section of the bookstore.  This is not about wanting to fix myself...but rather to get answers about why we think the way we do.

"37 days to wake up, be mindful, and live intentionally."  That is also on the cover.  When you open the book it has wide margins....places where the author encourages you to write notes.  She calls it conversing with the author.  Already I am in love.  This is a book I will treasure.  This book is so beautiful, how could I think of defacing it with notes in the margins?  In grade school we were brainwashed..... into thinking that this act would be damaging school property.  So this is something to ponder on.  Now I'm torn between defacing school property and conversing with the author.  Such a colossal dilemma!  Going to have to "noodle" on that a bit.   

At work we have a half hour for lunch and usually I use that time to read.  But this is not that kind of book.  This book is more of a "take the time, sit down and savor the great mysteries of life" kind of book. is where I get stuck.  When something is too good.  I want to save it for when I can devote time to really delve into it with everything I've got.  Well, guess what?  That time never happens.  It never comes.

Yet another thing to take a look at.  It makes me feel like Scarlett O'Hara in "Gone With the Wind."  Tomorrow is another day!

OMG am I doomed to just read "quickie" books?  No....don't go there.  You can do can do this! feels like a scene from a story about a first date. 

Will keep you posted about how the date went, whether it never got out of the gate or whether it crossed the finish line!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Independence Day

Happy 4th of July to Everyone!

A day of independence from British rule, a federal holiday celebrated here in the United States commemorating July 4, 1776.  This day is usually filled with parades, flag waving and lots of fireworks.

This morning when I woke up, it occurred to me that this being a day of independence, how did I want to celebrate it in order for it to have meaning in my life?  This doesn't take away from the fact of how important the men and women that serve our country in the military are to us.  In fact, it is the is to look within ourselves to see how we can individually stop the suffering of the world by beginning with our own suffering.  If everyone of us started working on our own issues, wouldn't that have an impact on world peace....well you get the picture don't you?

Simply put, if something in our lives makes us sad or unhappy....what do we do?  Well I don't know about you, but I think about it and think about it....then brood about it....sometimes even beating myself up about it.....UGH!  Enough already!

So today I am choosing to just let it go.  I am choosing to do something different.  I am declaring my independence from all that worry, and fretting that only leads me to more worrying and fretting!

Instead, I am choosing to stop feeling sorry for myself and learn to let it go.  It's funny how this has been coming on recently and the telltale sign has been in my recent choices of books to read. 

In addition, it is thanks to a man that I am so grateful to, who at this stage in our friendship showed me why I repeatedly went back for more of the same verbal abuse from him.  I didn't recognize it as abuse.  I really thought it was because he cared about my future.  It was he that started me on the path of self-awareness.  It was he that helped me to realize that I was just numbly going through life. 

However, I am now declaring my independence from him today.  I realized that I was buying into all the negative thoughts he had about me.  Just a form of self-abuse on my part.  I pray for him....because at this stage in his life he is angry and battling for more time.  Something that is beyond his control.  I wish him Peace, much Love and Appreciation.

According to the book....The Complete Idiot's Guide to Zen Living by Gary R McClain and Eve Adamson, as mentioned in my earlier blog article, NOW is what it is all about.  I am choosing to make NOW very precious to me.  Not worrying about the future, not regretting about things in the past....but NOW. 

How can I make NOW more wonderful?  Little things like planning what to eat for lunch makes every day more meaningful.  I'm finding that I enjoy my home more when I am at home.  I'm finding that I enjoy my work more when I am at work.  I'm finding that I enjoy meeting friends when I am with friends.  I am in the NOW more now and finding that I am savoring all of it NOW!

I invite you to become more aware of your 

Happy 4th!

Friday, June 28, 2013

YIKES....It's a Scorcher!

There's no doubt that summer has arrived here in Las Vegas!  We are experiencing temperatures over 100 degrees.  Today's high was 114 degrees according to the weather forecasts.

Imagine getting off work and going into your car and driving home.  First I have to put on gloves just so that I can touch the steering wheel.

Normally, I don't like turning on the A/C in my car because I love driving with the windows down, my hair blowing in the wind and my favorite radio station playing those oldies but goodies music.  I love singing at the top of my lungs to the music!  I pity the people in the other cars that have to hear me singing....but oh is so much fun singing along to my favorite songs.

Well, not even 5 minutes in the picture this, I have my gloves on, the windows down, the A/C off......believe it or not, my ankles were on fire!!!  They were burning up from the heat!  Now how can my ankles be burning up?  How is that possible?

I had to give in and turn on the air conditioning in my car.  I drove past some people that still had their windows down....those brave souls. is time to hunker down and stay indoors this weekend because the temps are supposed to go even higher.  I'm told that the record for this part of Las Vegas is 117 degrees.  We are expecting these temps over the weekend.

One year I forgot and left a small plastic bottle of hand sanitizer in my car and that darned thing melted!  Or, how about when you burn your fingers from your car keys when you remove it from the ignition?  Don't even mention the metal part of your seat belt.  These are all hazardous items in scorchers!

Everyone plans to go out early tomorrow and get their business done and then come home to their A/C cooled home.  My co-workers talked about their power bill being over $300 a month.  Now having your A/C go out can be life threatening to some who live here.  Those companies that service air conditioners are just raking in the cool cash!  Did I just say "cool"? 

This is certainly the time to wear the skimpiest clothes or better yet.....just go "au naturale." bad....sorry for using this poster....Barenaked Ladies Alanis!  It just seemed so appropriate!  No plagiarism intended!  All in fun!

Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm in Korea

Lately my friends that love to watch Korean dramas as much as I do....well the code phrase is "I'm in Korea."

What that means is that we are glued to our computers or televisions and don't bother us. 

We've all come to agree that in order to have a successful drama series, the utmost important ingredient is.....the leading man MUST be handsome! 

We swap movie titles.....and when we know what movie the other person is watching....we relive the story.  Some of us re-watch the movie several more times.

This past Saturday, my friend Danna and I were having a sushi buffet lunch.  We were at the Makino Restaurant here in Las Vegas and stayed there for 3 hours eating, talking, and laughing.  The table next to us changed guests 3 times. 

We laughed because her friend was watching Secret Garden.  This is the Korean TV series, not to be confused with the movie or the classic novel.  It is a beautiful series.  The actor in this movie is
Hyun Bin.

What is amazing about this actor is not only his good looks, but how he draws you in with his facial expressions. 
He also starred in My Lovely Sam Soon, Snow Queen and Ireland. 
Being in Korea has no boundaries.  Women and men of all ages and ethnicities watch these dramas.  My friend Shirley has a Jehovah Witness church member that watches.  His wife says that he watches all day!  Danna is Samoan.  My aunt in Hawaii is Portuguese. 
That's the danger about Being in Korea.  You have to pace yourself otherwise chores don't get done.  The day passes and it's night....way past your bedtime. 
There is a newly coined term or neologism that depicts this rapid growth in popularity of the South Korean culture since the 1990's.  It is called Hallyu.  This flow of culture could serve to prevent anti-Korean sentiment, perhaps re-unify Korea and who knows.....achieve world peace and prosperity. 
Some of us are afraid to start watching these dramas because we know that nothing else will get accomplished.  It is a really serious Drama Fever.  Now that is where I tune
Watch at your own risk!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How to Be a Gracious Bitch

Someone shared this funny story with me today and I want to share it with my friends all over the world!

How to be a Gracious Bitch
Jennifer's wedding day was fast approaching.  Nothing could dampen her excitement - not even her parent's nasty divorce.
Her mother had found the PERFECT dress to wear, and would be the best-dressed mother-of-the-bride ever!
A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn that her father's new, young wife had bought the exact same dress as her mother!
Jennifer asked her father's new young wife to exchange it, but she refused.  "Absolutely not!  I look like a million bucks in this dress, and I'm wearing it," she replied.
Jennifer told her mother who graciously said, "Never mind sweetheart.  I'll get another dress.  After all, it's your special day."
A few days later, they went shopping, and did find another gorgeous dress for her mother.
When they stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, "Aren't you going to return the other dress?  You really don't have another occasion where you could wear it."
Her mother just smiled and replied, "Of course I do, dear.....I'm wearing it to the rehearsal dinner the night BEFORE the wedding."
Women are like phones:  They like to be held, talked to, and touched often.  But push the wrong button and your ass is disconnected!
Women are Angels:  And when someone breaks our wings.....we simply continue to fly....on a broomstick.  We are flexible like that.
Here it is....hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!  Go in Peace!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Reading Books

My new work schedule allows me a chance to read during lunch.  I'm not your basic cover to cover reader....unless it is a Danielle Steele quick read.  I've been a fan of her books for many years.  Except for the fact that she takes a different picture of herself for every book, that's the only way I can remember whether I've read a particular book she has written.  A couple of times I've even purchased a duplicate book because I failed to check out the back cover picture.  Oops.

Another secret about my reading habits.....most of the time I don't remember what I've just read.  I hate that!  I take notes, I re-read, I even have my favorite phrases pasted to the wall above my computer.  In my next life, I would love to have a better memory....or would I?  Hold that thought.  I'll get back to this later.

But anyway....back to my new faves in reading.  I've just completed reading The 18 Rules of Happiness by Karl MooreThese kinds of books call out to me on 

The next book is more like a reference book.  When I was a full time student two years ago, art history courses opened a whole new world for me.  Asian art history and Medieval to Renaissance art history courses seemed like travelling the world, something that is on my bucket list of things to do.

In keeping with that, I am reading The Handy Art History Answer Book written by Madelynn Dickerson.  It is a book filled with quick summaries of art facts.  Things like...How can you recognize "a Michelangelo"?  Or What is the significance of the recumbent Buddha?  Now this is my kind of reading....short and sweet.

The third book that I am dabbling with is called....The Complete Idiot's Guide to Zen Living by Gary R. McClain, Ph.D., and Eve Adamson.  When it comes to Zen....I am, no doubt....the ultimate idiot!  Is it any wonder that I purchased this book?

An excerpt from page 6 goes like this...."Although many say Zen defies all definitions, we would define it with one simple, short word:  now.  Now?  What about it? you ask.  Exactly." 

It goes on to explain....."Yet despite the wealth of guidance, inspiration, and philosophical suppositions Zen has inspired throughout history, it still comes down to this:  now, right now."

There is a small box to the left of the above paragraph that is labeled:  Caution Monkey Mind.  It goes on to state....."What's so bad about thinking?  Nothing at all.  Yet becoming so engaged with your thoughts that you forget to live in the moment or allowing your thoughts to cause you suffering are surefire ways to miss the truth bus.  How can you fully manifest each moment of your precious existence if you are letting your thoughts or feelings torture you?"

So getting back to my desire to return in my next life with better memory.....Hogwash...Bull Cookies! 


As the song goes...."Ooo...precious moments."

I rest my case!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Jab Tak Hai Jaan (As Long as There is Life)

I just finished watching Jab Tak Hai Jaan directed by Yash Chopra and written and produced by his oldest son, Aditya Chopra.  It is an Indian romantic drama which became Yash Chopra's "swan song" gift to the world of films.  It is believed that swans who are silent all of their lives, sing a beautiful song moments before their death...this was Yash's beautiful song, he died less than a month before this film was released. 

The film features Shah Rukh Khan, Katrina Kaif and Anushka Sharma in lead roles.  I believe....and correct me if I am wrong....this was also the first movie in which Shah Rukh Khan actually kissed his leading lady.  Dubbed as the King of Romance, and after 20 years in the business, this film is the first time he has kissed in a movie?  Now that has got to be really good acting. 

In interviews Shah Rukh Khan stated that he broke his rule about kissing on screen because he was forced to do it....the script called for it.  His close friends knew that this would be very awkward for the actor.  Having watched so many kissing scenes in movies, yes Shah Rukh was a bit awkward in these kissing scenes, but knowing the speaks to his ability to still provide a kind of innocence to a scene that could easily have gone to R rated in nano seconds. 

Veer Zaara, another classic from Yash is a beautiful film as well and one of my favorites.  Films that leave something for the imagination, to me, are more romantic than a film that has explicit love scenes. 

Perhaps that is also why Korean romantic dramas appeal to me as well.  It is amazing how in a Korean love scene, the male lead is pouring his heart out and gives his leading lady a hug....and for the most part, the leading lady doesn't hug back....not for lack of wanting to....but perhaps somewhat more of a custom in Korean movies.  Can what's left to one's imagination be more of a movie's popularity secret ingredient?  Personally I think so.

Now, giving you a short recap would not do this film have got to see it and witness it and judge for yourself.

Thursday, February 7, 2013


This week I had an epiphany about the topic of leadership.  Granted, what may be an epiphany for me may not be one for others.  I've always shied away from becoming a leader of others.  I would literally beat myself up because I felt less than, I questioned my reasons why, was it fear?  Perhaps. 

But I got my answer when I was writing an email.  My phrase went something like this.  I don't want to be a leader of many, just a leader of self.  WOW!  The flood gates really opened up on this one!

I am my own worst student!  What a challenge to wake up everyday with the intention to be honest - have integrity and compassion for others (myself included).  This is not an easy task...especially when you're dealing with a bunch of knuckleheads! (yes, me included). 

At the end of the to is a lead by example situation.  Well shucks!  That is a darn good goal...don't you think?

When you spend a lot of years seeking answers to questions about your life....can the answer come to you just because of a trivial thing such as sending an email?  You betcha!  Why now?....that's my next question.  Where do I go from here?

Concentrating on working on me and my own issues...well that may seem like an easier task....NOT!  These age old idioms - remember this one?...."I am my own worst enemy"....... that's me!

Butt..... (it's my ass speaking again).....No ifs, ands or butts!

My alarm just went off....time to start the day....a new more thing to be more cognizant of....I am on the path!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Peaceful, Beautiful Saturday

My day started out sitting in my new plush recliner with my feet up and reading a book.  What a way to start off the weekend.  The book I was reading is called The Companies We Keep by Bob Sigall and his students at Hawaii Pacific University.  This book contains amazingly interesting stories about 450 of Hawaii's best known companies.

What I like about this book is that some of the companies they talk about, like A. L. Kilgo, Zippy's, Theo. H. Davies, Sears, Y. Hata - well darn....I've actually worked there.  Even my high school, Waipahu High School is in this book.  Well shucks!  I feel as though I am a part of Hawaii's historical past!

A. L. Kilgo...I remember Mr. Kilgo gave me a pair of pearl earrings because I had the best muu muu for Aloha Week.  I must admit that it was a mini one at that...I mean the muu...not the earrings.  I remember I was afraid that it was too short.  I was shy back then.

Sears....back then it was the place to work!  I worked in the stationery department and had to quit when I was 5 months pregnant.  That was company policy.

Y. Hata....I actually got a marriage proposal there.....although that Hata boy was just joking....he thought it a good idea for tax reasons....that's a new one huh?

Zippy's....that was a part-time job to make extra money to support my family.  I had fun in that job as a waitress.  I fulfilled one life goal....making hot fudge sundaes and banana splits.  Of course when I made that goal....I was a kid in elementary school.  The nice part about being a waitress is taking home the cash from tips.  As tired as my legs were.....I had fun counting how much tip I made for the day.

Imagine starting off your day reading a great book like that....sitting in a really soft, cushy recliner with a view of the pool outside and remembering the past.  What a way to start the day!  However.... that peaceful feeling was short lived.  The telephone rang and all hell broke loose.....there were things to do, places to go and people to see!  I didn't get back home till way after the sun went down. 

The great thing about this day....I get to start it all over again tomorrow.  I can't wait!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I'm Unfinished!

Every once in a while, I get what I call a message from God.  He communicates with me through my favorite medium.....movies and television.  It happens when I least expect it.  It happens when unknowingly I am mulling something over in my mind that's "cooking on the back burner," so to speak.

The message I got came from the television show called Private Practice.  The scene is a talk that goes on between the characters Violet and Sam.  Violet is reflecting back on her life and she says to Sam...."This is it.  This is who I am.  This is all I get.  Is it enough?  Is it anything?"

Sam thinks for a moment and he is speechless and says that all he can offer her is a hug.  Before they can hug, he tells her....that what he is about to say is not a random thought or a cliche and asks if she wants to hear it.  He says....."You're are a work in progress.  We don't know what tomorrow brings, it could be anything.  The book that is your life is a work in progress.  You won't know the point of the book until it is written."

Hallelujah!.....thank you God.  This is what I needed to hear!  When you realize that there are more years behind you than there are in front of think these kinds of thoughts.  But hearing this is like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

We think these thoughts about the kind of legacy we will leave our children and grandchildren.  We take stock of our lives and wish we had done more.....but I forgot....the book that is my life is a work in progress!  Who knows what great thing I will create tomorrow or the next day.  Rather than looking behind....I want to look ahead.  I won't know the point of my life until I am with God having a flavored iced that just came to me.

There is a song that goes....We've only just live.

I don't want to focus on what I haven't done....but rather I want to die thinking....what's around the corner?  What great thing is going to happen to me that is such a victim statement.....rewind....What great thing will I create tomorrow!  Ah....that's better!

Thank you God for this wonderful message!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

We Are Freezing Our Buns Off!

For the past couple of days, we have literally been on freeze alert.  The water in the fountain outside my office had to be turned off because the water froze while drizzling down. 

The thing I hate most though is that it gets so cold, you have to contend with dry, flaky skin....rough hands.....extra static in your clothes and last but not have to wear so much clothes to keep the cold out.

Oh....oh....oh....of course I can't forget that you have to put so much lotion on just so that you won't be itchy in all the wrong places....okay....get your mind out of the's hard to scratch your back is what I meant. 

While I'm sure that some love the cold weather because it means skiing or playing in the snow or building a snowman....but c'mon....the novelty of that goes out the window after you've tried it once....well at least it did for me.

I promised myself that I would stay home over the weekend so that I could rest and relax after the harrowing week I had at work, but I went out and braved the cold in order to listen to a friend who needed to "vent" her anger about her family.  I gave her a hug and she felt better after baring her soul to me.  That's what friends are for.....I know that she came to my rescue whenever I've needed it!

What was great was that after we had brunch at her favorite Pho place, I went out and did a few errands that I have been putting off because I've been so busy.  There is satisfaction in completing a task that has been gnawing at me for weeks now. 

After a few hours of running around, I finally got home and had lunch at 4:00 p.m.  I did some reading and then watched the next 2 episodes of a Korean drama that I've been following.  That was my comfort for the day, feeling snug as a bug in a rug....and watching Korean dramas. 

I've already made my list of things to do tomorrow.  That way I feel as though I've accomplished something and not twittered the day away.  That makes me happy. 

What's on my list for tomorrow?  Making won is comfort food that goes great with cold weather.....Won Ton soup with hot mustard.....bring it on!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year Resolutions

Why do we do them?  Every year at this time we are guilted into creating promises to ourselves to fix something or other that we presume we are lacking in.  After a few months....lo and behold we have created yet another opportunity to beat ourselves up and cast our resolutions aside.

What torture will we put ourselves through this year?  Is there an alternative....a better way to start the year?  Yes, I think there is!

I did try it one year...I don't know why I didn't keep it up!  Rather than trying to change things in our about if we try to create something new?

For about if we create opportunities to add something to our lives rather than eliminating what we perceive as faults?

Addition is always easier than subtraction....don't you agree?

I read an article in O Magazine, by Anne Lamott, entitled Feeling Full.  In this article, Lamott talks about how her parents were "in pursuit of the so-called good life."  In short, they wanted to have the best of everything.  In doing so, they missed the opportunity to enjoy being who they are, because they were too busy pursuing perfection.

I can relate to this, because I thought being perfect....well how could that be a mistake?  The perfect wife, the perfect mother....well....I was in for a huge shock when I realized that perfection wasn't the answer. 

At the end of the article, Lamott boiled it down to this....."All I ever wanted since I arrived here on Earth were the things that turned out to be within reach, the same things I needed as a baby - to go from cold to warm, lonely to held, the vessel to the giver, empty to full.  You can change the world with a hot bath, if you sink into it from a place of knowing that you are worth profound care, even when you're dirty and rattled.  Who knew?"

Whenever I read O Magazine, it's like savoring a wonderful dish.  I can't read it in one sitting.  I have so many issues of Oprah's magazine accumulating in a pile.  I just can't rush through it.  I find huge pearls of wisdom every time I read an article.  It becomes a process of letting it run through every fiber of my being.  Oooooo....can you feel it?

So, what am I going to add to my life for the New Year?  I want to SAVOR my life...just as it is.....  I want to relish every morsel.  That's my resolution for this New Year!  I want to enjoy it all....the good with the bad.  I don't want to hide the bad under a rug, or try to be nice and not hurt anyone's feelings by enjoying whatever good comes my way.  I want to find the silver lining, catch the golden ring, fall flat on my face in the mud and be able to laugh about it....Does that make sense?  Weirdly does to me! 

Happy New Year to you all!