Sunday, July 29, 2012

Meet Me In St. Louis

Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, and Tom Drake were especially great in this movie. 

Tom Drake acted as the boy next door...and he is so handsome...Judy Garland's character falls madly in love with him.  Now Margaret O'Brien is Judy's little sister...affectionately called "Tootie".  For her young age she was so talented.  She played a huge part in the success of this movie.

Now when we lived in Missouri...we drove to St. Louis and got to experience the Gateway Arch.....and the tram ride up to the lookout at the top was a trip in itself....such ingenuity because the trap had to adjust every so often to allow for the curves because it wasn't going straight up....ooops I'm getting off topic....oh but wait...just one more detail.  Once you are at the top you can feel the arch swaying....oooh spooky.


Now back to the subject at hand.....the movie.  Of course there was a song that I enjoyed in the it is in its this clip Judy is waiting for Tom will see him chasing the trolley and close to the end of this clip he finally reaches Judy.

Judy sings a well known Christmas song that is just beautiful in this the end of the song, what is sad is that the family, after living in St. Louis all their lives, will move to New York.  Tootie didn't want to leave the snow people behind. 

Getting off topic again...bear with me....imagine my daughters and I who lived in Hawaii all of our lives...decide to move to Missouri.  In the winter we experienced snow for the first time ever.....We were so excited and we thought we could make a snowman.  We nearly froze our "buns" off out in the cold....we couldn't even make a round ball.  The snow was too powdery....such Hawaiian hicks! 

The other stupid thing we did was... we decided to have a barbecue and put our hibachi into the fireplace to cook our kalbi (Korean shortribs).....this served another purpose....we needed warmth in the apartment...we were so cold!

Well, smoke started to fill our apartment....we didn't know we were supposed to open the flue...BIG OOPS!

This next song from the movie...some of you may was a popular children's song when I was growing up.  Oh and square dancing....we had to learn that in P.E. and it was fun! 

You will enjoy the commentary from Margaret O'Brien before the next clip.

The red dress she is talking about was gorgeous on Judy. 

The film starred Judy Garland and her husband Vincente Minnelli directed the is Liza sharing thoughts about the movie and her parents.

I can't tell you how many times I've watched this movie and every time I still enjoy it.

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